Quick Dashy Fix

Posted on February 19, 2023 (Last modified on April 3, 2024) • 1 min read • 198 words
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Quick Dashy Fix

Issue with installing Dashy on UnRaid

I ran into a tiny problem while setting up Dashy on my UnRaid server. I discovered that after installing the Dashy app the conf.yml file is setup as a directory not as a file. This prevents Dashy from starting correctly. To be fair, instructions for downloading the config are provided in the app description. When trying to run Dashy without downloading a new config file you may see a similar error about attempting to mount a directory onto a file.

Figure caption

Here is how the conf.yml appears in UnRaid without making any changes. As you can see the conf.yml file is actually a directory not a file.

Figure caption

How To Fix Our Conf.yml Issue

  1. Start by opening an UnRaid web terminal.
  2. Change into /mnt/user/appdata/dashy/ directory
    cd /mnt/user/appdata/dashy/
  3. The conf.yml file is actually setup (from the install) as a directory. We need to delete this and download a sample conf.yml file directly from the git repo.
    rm /mnt/user/appdata/dashy/conf.yml
    curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Lissy93/dashy/master/public/conf.yml
  4. Restart the Dashy container.

As you can see our conf.yml file is now recongnized as a file and not a directory.

Figure caption

Now we can proceed with configuring Dashy!

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